Ooh Island

Click on any Point of Ooh to Explore Fabulous Ooh Island!

Ooh Island Map The Ooh Market The Fountain of Moisture Mt. Oohlympus The Ooh-Gean Stables Duck Pond The Oohlysian Fields Port of Ooh The Ooh Crew International Friendship Exhibition Hall Ooh Lagoon

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The Ooh Market

The Ooh Market Learn about Ooh Market Talk to Someone with a Hat Trade for Shampoo Ooh Return to Map

Ooh Market's Grand Purpose

"By centering our entire economy around Shampoo Ooh, we've achieved utopia! There's no need for war, or for want, when your hair looks this good."

A knowledgeable native Oohlander

You Meet a Local Adorned with a Nice Hat

"Those of us who live here on Ooh Island identify as 'Oohlanders.'"

A Friendly Native Oohlander Adorned with a Hat

You Offered a Smile for some Shampoo Ooh

"What a beautiful smile! Some say, 'an eye for an eye,' but I say, 'an Ooh for an Ooh.'" Deal!!

* You've received a bottle of Shampoo Ooh! That's great stuff.

A friendly Oohlander offers their wares

The Fountain of Moisture

The Fountain of Moisture Feel the Refreshing Waters Talk to a Caretaker Take it All in Return to Map

The Waters Revitalize You

The waters here are known for their rejuvenating and hydrating powers. You feel a rush of energy in your hair just by being near it's presence.

Refreshing waters of the fountain

A Wise Caretaker with Great Hair Speaks

"These waters have flowed for centuries, granting life to the land and to the people. Legend has it that this fountain was constructed to symbolize the union between Oohlympus and the natives of Ooh Island."

Caretaker of the fountain

You've Found an Inscription, You Think

Enjoying the vibe the hydrating waters put into the air around you, you slowly explore the fountain in joy and reverence.

As you walk, your hair begins to feel like a crown. You start thinking of wishes to make when you notice an aged, but unweathered inscription.

- You don't recognize this language, but you are struck with a deep feeling of importance.

Sacred water collected in a vial

The Port of Ooh

The Port of Ooh Ask about this Crazy Place Learn about a Recent Voyage Speak with an Ambitious Looking Oohlander Return to Map

The Port of Ooh's Story

"The Port of Ooh is the point of departure for all seafaring expeditions. Shampoo Ooh's precise, yet simple formulation has sparked a love of science in all Oohlanders."

A Friendly Oohlander of Science

You Asked Someone You Think Could be a Scientist about Recent Voyages

"Years ago, we were exploring correlations between the molecular structures of Shampoo Ooh's ingredients and distant constellations. While in the crooh's nest, we observed an auroohra borealis. Watching those beautiful lights dance made us wonder how greatly the ionosphere can vary in it's many regions...

...So, on our most recent voyage, we launched Shampoo Ooh into the D, E, and F regions of the ionosphere. Despite the nocturnal drops in atmospheric pressure, Shampoo Ooh's chemical profile remained nearly identical to the oils naturally occurring in human hair. Shampoo Ooh's presence in the ionosphere not only reduced solar radiation from penetrating further into the atmosphere, but also greatly amplified the imprints left by the astronomical radio emmissions that we were observing during our research...

...Shampoo Ooh has greatly advanced our knowledge of space weather!!"

A Seasoned Oohlander Scientist

A Strong-Willed Oohlander Shares Their Thoughts

“While nuclear power can be made safer, there are many outdated facilities and waste sites that could pose a serious risk one day. Shampoo Ooh helps protect hair from free-radical damage, and I believe it could save the world from disaster...

...That’s why I’m self-funding a trip to Chernobyl.”

A Brave and Ambitious Oohlander Scientist

Ooh Lagoon

Ooh Lagoon Ask Someone What They're Doing Approach a Group of Oohlanders Go For a Swim Return to Map

You Made a Friend

Hi, is this your first time at Ooh Lagoon?

This recreational area is the ideal spot to frolic, and dine. We also play Ooh Sports here like, 'Ooh Ball.'

I joined an organized league and I'm one of my team's co-captains. It's been Oohber fun!

Refreshing waters of the fountain

The Group Welcomed Your Approach

"Hi, it's nice to meet a new face. We just finished up an Ooh Sports medley and we were thinking about what to do next."

A group of outgoing Oohlanders

You Splashed and Splashed

You waded out, but stayed in the shallower waters. You struck up a conversation with some nearby Oohlanders and had a great time.

Sacred water collected in a vial

The Ooh-Gean Stables

The Ooh-Gean Stables What are Those Things Coming Out of Their Heads?? Call to the Horses and Chat Try Not to Spook the Horses Return to Map

You Asked a Reasonable Question in an Ignorant Way

When Oohlanders first arrived on horseback, those horses drank from The Fountain of Moisture and evolved into unicorns. Not all of them, though.

We still call each one a horse. Just to be nice.

Majestic Ooh Island Unicorns

You Shared A Moment

The majestic beasts look towards you, but stay a cautious distance. You can feel a joyous energy eminating from within them.

Without words, you understand each other.

Three Pretty Unicorns Watching You

Awww, You Spooked 'Em

You Startled Them, Anyway

Startled Unicorns with Great Hair

Duck Pond

Duck Pond of Ooh Island Meet Some Local Ducks Get Your Ducks in a Row Feed One of The Ducks Return to Map

These Are Locals?

Their hair is amazing.

Refreshing waters of the fountain

Get Your Ducks in a Row

That was easy!

A Row of Very Trendy Ducks

Look How Happy it is!

You made that duck very happy! After the meal, you gaze into the ducks eyes and sense great wisdom.

This duck is a very old soul.

A Happy Duck with a Styled Hair

The Ooh Crew International Friendship Exhibition Hall

The Ooh Crew International Friendship Exhibition Hall Talk to the Tour Guide Ask the Guide a Question Wander off on Your Own Return to Map

That's the Whole Tour, You Guess

After the spread of Shampooconomics, and utopia, all the world's nations sent Ooh Island gifts in gratitude. As the most valuable commodity on earth is Shampoo Ooh, our collection is just a pile of bottles.

The Ooh Crew International Friendship Exhibition Hall was constructed to house this pile. This way it is shared amongst all Oohlanders.

Refreshing waters of the fountain

You Wandered Off

Traipsing through the distinguished hall, you gain some perspective.

You're glad you came.

Caretaker of the Fountain

You Couldn't Think of One



Sacred water collected in a vial

The Oohlysian Fields

The Oohlysian Fields Speak with a Farmer Learn the Crop Bebop Harvest! Return to Map

Wow, Who Knew?

"Welcome to The Oohlysian Fields! Here, we sustainably cultivate non-GMO crops for the production of Shampoo Ooh.

Thanks to permaculture techniques, we have abundant harvests all throughout the year without the overuse of our other precious resources. As we have no need for conventional fertizilers, we avoid introducing harmful metals and chemicals into our vibrant ecosystem.

Shampoo Ooh gave me healthier hair. I am dedicated to keeping the source of Shampoo Ooh's ingredients as healthy as possible."

A Nice Ooh Island Farmer

Now What to Do?

"These crops are tip-top!"

Caretaker of the Fountain

You Picked a Bushel of Oohs

Good job!

A basket of Oohs with Oohlanders joining the celebration

Mt. Oohlympus

The Gate of Oohlympus Sneak Past Sheriff Ooh Return to Map

Nothing Gets Past Sheriff Ooh

"Entry to Oohlympus is reserved only for the most proven of Ooh Crew."

Sheriff Ooh Caught You!